I was up after midnight finishing this leaf! I was done shortly after midnight but then it took me nearly an hour to get it off the pattern. More about that later. I like this so much more than I expected. I tried photographing it in my palm as my scanner does not show the colors right.
This was to be another practice piece. I figured out quickly that I had couched it down too tightly. I didn't know that was even possible but by having the couching stitches so close and so tight, it was hard to manipulate the needle in the outline. My original intention was to use the same color thread and I used a dark green for my outline. THEN, I decided to use the pastel size 80 tatting thread for the filling stitches instead of green. This makes it harder to completely cover the outline threads and you can especially see it in the stem end. The outline threads are in size 40 and the covering thread is in size 70, also not a good match for covering.
I said last time that using a variegated thread was not a good idea and even as I was stitching this, I wondered what was I thinking? In the end though, I really like it. Sometimes the lavender dominated, sometimes the green and sometimes the cream color. I used a very dense stitch where the openings are. The vintage instructions I'm using refer to 737th stitch, etc. - all are numbered so I haven't matched up the known names with them yet. I did use a solid color for the cordonnette.
Even before I couched down my second leaf, I noticed the pattern was not in the best of shape. This is how it looks now, completely torn up. I couldn't figure it out since I use the same process for my RPL lace and those patterns are still intact, even after using 3 or 4 times.
But then I realized there are a few differences. In many of my RPL patterns, I transfer the pattern directly on the fabric and then cover it with clear adhesive paper. I have some that have a paper base though. The other thing is that I'm not really manipulating the "outline" very much in RPL. You attach your fillings at the side loops and hide your ends in the cord, but other than that, you aren't continually wrapping them in thread. The "outline" is already finished.
Another view of my demolished pattern! I will rip out the zigzaging that holds the plastic on and take off the plastic. This is really a fairly large base for this leaf so I might put a different pattern on there instead and make a new base for the leaf. I suppose I should do something besides the leaf at this point. I made a square sampler "coaster" pattern that I might try. Or the petals that I was originally going to do. Or the leaf shaped sampler strip.
I'm doing a beginning bobbin lace class in June though so I need to redo my pillow and get my bobbins wound and practice the basics a bit. I also want to get a RPL piece done for an exhibit for my lace guild. That means I'll probably have to set this aside for the most part. Other eyecandy to come!
project // felt pom snowgies magnets
1 day ago
My patterns for needle lace are also not fit to be used more than once. It's a bummer - I reuse my bobbin lace prickings several times, but it won't be happening with needle lace. I think needle lace is just hard on the patterns. I like your two leaves and I think the variegated thread works well for them.
This leaf is beautiful. I like the variegated threads too.
beautiful .... I never knew there was such a thing as what you're doing here ..... wow!
You sure are one busy woman! I do not know how you do it!
This stuff is very impressive AND I LOVE the look of this blog!
Admiring Fox ♥ : ))
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