I've stitched all the seams and am now working on the embroidery embellishments. I used perle cotton in size 5 and size 8 for both. I embroidered the Y stitch from TAST on this section and added the webstars. I still have a few to add. I've been considering some tiny buttons for the loops OR the prairie points. I've never had any trouble with this type of embroidery transfer pen not washing out. If I were going to apply it to silk or another fabric I don't commonly use, I would test it on a scrap piece first. I really love the ferny look here. I used the blanket stitch on one seam.

I have a running stitch on one side and cross stitch on the other. It's hard to figure out what to do here as the embroidery makes it kind of busy anyway. Still, it's the same thing for the whole length so it does need something.
I'm going to try the wadded up poufs in the section near the top, not shown here. It has a sort of multi-sized snowball pattern on the fabric. I'm going to use some crushed voile that I bought recently. It's light enough to go in this section well and would not do well as a section piece on its own because it is so sheer.
I will probably add some more embroidery of other stitches not already used. The plain cotton section might be good for some cross stitch text although I honestly hate doing cross stitch. I love the look of it but not doing it. I'm not good at embroidering block or cursive lettering either!
I do like the way this is looking though I feel like I'm going awfully slow. I keep telling myself I can always snip out unwanted stitching and start over. Most of the time it feels right before I begin.
On the pre-embroidered section, I might take a leaf from someone else's page who used the long tube to stitch down a curved vine-looking section. Since it's solid white, it might make a good contrast against all that existing embroidery. I'll think on it. Hmmmm.....if I already had some tatted baby lace done, that would work with the vine too.